Friday, November 19, 2010

The first time

Hey All!!
Wow!  So exciting to be able to share about the boys.  I have, over the years, been given sympathy for being the mom of 3 boys. And yes, at times I have totally questioned God's wisdom in his decision making skills.  But all in all, I feel very blessed that we (my husband and I) have been graced with the task of raising three honorable young men.  (I do have to say we are raising men, not boys, though)  So I have finally taken the leap to develop a blog that will give homage to the arduous task of raising men.
11/19  issue of the day
My middle son is very bright but is currently making me want to pull my hair out as he can make a 100% on a national science test but still have an unsatisfactory grade.  And I have kept my composure over the last 2 days, until tonight.  He still has not developed a science project.  I have a feeling that Thanksgiving weekend will not be homework free.  I am sure that many others have been in this similar situation.  I would appreciate any advice you would have to offer.
My goal with the blog is to post everyday.  I will try to keep it funny, light, and graceful.  Anyone who has experience with raising men is welcome to comment too!!  It takes a village to raise a child!!

Much love to all,
Frankie G


  1. I have a son who is very bright yet does not apply himself as well. I totally understand how frustrating it can be. I have backed off a lot since he has started middle school and he has actually taken the initiative himself. Not having me as a safety net forces him to be responsible (though my husband says I still do too much). I think I got lucky! Your ultimate goal is to get him to be independent and do his work on his own. Your current goal is to just get it done already... Be firm or back off? Each kid is different so the right answer is never clear. Good Luck!

  2. Thanks Tina and your kind and wise words are why I love you. I have had to back off so he can figure it out himself, and he was surprised when he received his report card, so hopefully that self accountability will come out.
